The Virtual Alumni Meet held on December 9, 2023, at 3:00 PM through Microsoft Teams was a successful and innovative event that brought together alumni from various batches in a digital space. The online platform facilitated seamless interaction and engagement despite the physical distance. The event was hosted on MS Teams, a widely used virtual communication platform. The technology allowed for smooth video conferencing, screen sharing, and interactive features that enhanced the overall virtual experience. Participants accessed the meeting link and joined from different locations around the globe. The Virtual Alumni Meet began with a warm welcome and introduction by Prof Reshma Pai, the Department Coordinator of Alumni Association, who also served as the Master of Ceremony. The agenda included a keynote address by Dr. Robin Manohar Shinde, the Director of MBA, followed by interactive sessions, and alumni sharing their experiences. The event featured engaging discussions and updates on alma mater developments. The interactive sessions allowed alumni to share their experiences, achievements, and memories. The virtual format facilitated dynamic discussions through chat and video interactions, enabling participants to connect and with the faculty members present. Alumni left the event with renewed connections, a sense of community, and a deepened appreciation for the enduring bond shared with their alma mater.

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