The Youth Red Cross Cell conducted a talk on - “Road safety, Drive safely and Psychological Factors behind Accidents” on 18/11/2022 at Shri Rama Sabha Bhavana. Resource person, Er. Ashwin L Shetty, Former Engineering Manager Airbus Australia, Administrator, Vidyarashmi Educational Institution, Savanoor, gave information about Road safety and Drive safety. He urged the audience to get aware with signs of various traffic and traffic rules. Later Dr. Mascarenhas Patrick Cyprian, Senior Psychotherapist & International Presenter of Psychology spoken about psychological factors behind accidents, Then he interacted with students. Dr. Mahesh Prasanna K, Principal, VCET Puttur encouraged the students to spread awareness about safe driving and told the students to follow the traffic rules. Vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Abhishek Kumar K, Department of AIML, Chief CoOrdinator of YRC, VCET Puttur. Ms. Shrinidhi C of V semester AIML and Ms. Sneha B of V semester AIML ware the Masters of ceremony.

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